[Program for a concert by the Philharmonic Society, at St. James's Hall (London), on 19 May 1886, conducted by Arthur Sullivan and Camille Saint-Saëns, who conducted his Symphony no. 3 and played Beethoven's Piano Concerto no. 4].

Record ID: 
[Program for a concert by the Philharmonic Society, at St. James's Hall (London), on 19 May 1886, conducted by Arthur Sullivan and Camille Saint-Saëns, who conducted his Symphony no. 3 and played Beethoven's Piano Concerto no. 4].
[S.l. : S.n., 1886]

In addition to the Beethoven, Sullivan conducted a Symphony in E flat by Haydn, Mozart's Quando miro (with Antoinette Sterling), Feĺicien David's Couplets de Mysoli (wth Agnes Larkcom), and the Overture to Wager's Meistersinger.
Collection's copy comprises p. [1-4?] and [23-]28 only.

Associated names: 

Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921. Symphonies, no. 3, op. 78, C minor.

Music Collection: