Duet for violin and piano, by G.A. Osborne and Ch. de Bériot (album leaf) : manuscript in the hand of Clara Schumann, 1839 Oct. 31.

Record ID: 
Osborne, G. A. (George Alexander), 1806-1893.
Biographical Data: 
Irish pianist and composer.
Duet for violin and piano, by G.A. Osborne and Ch. de Bériot (album leaf) : manuscript in the hand of Clara Schumann, 1839 Oct. 31.
Uniform title: 
Duets, violin, piano (Album leaf)
1839 Oct. 31.

At the top: "Finale aus einen Duo von Osborne und Beriot." At the end: "Zu freundlicher Erinnerung Clara Wieck. Berlin d. 31/10 [18]39."


Four-plus measures of music for violin and piano.

Associated names: 

Bériot, Ch. de (Charles), 1802-1870.
Schumann, Clara, 1819-1896, transcriber.
Ganz, Leopold, 1806-1869, former owner.
Osborne, G. A. (George Alexander), 1806-1893. Duets, violin, piano.