Esclarmonde : opéra romanesque en quatre actes et huit tableaux / poëme de Louis de Gramont et Alfred Blau ; musique de J. Massenet.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1672
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912.
Esclarmonde : opéra romanesque en quatre actes et huit tableaux / poëme de Louis de Gramont et Alfred Blau ; musique de J. Massenet.
Uniform title: 
Esclarmonde. Vocal score
Paris : Huegel et cie., [ca. 1901]

"Personnages": p. [9]; "Distribution," etc.: p. [11]; "Table": p. [13]-[15].
Orchestral accompaniment arranged for piano.
Hartmann's pl. no. appears throughout, Heugel's on p. 1 only.
Library's copy is variously paginated; some pages have been excised and a new printed version pasted over the original, with some text and music in manuscript. Some changes may be in the composer's hand. Further alterations to the stage instructions and text are probably editorial.
It is not known if this substantially revised version was ever published.


From the library of the composer.

Associated names: 

Blau, Alfred, librettist.
Gramont, Louis de, 1854-1912, librettist.
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912, former owner.