Page ? : "Dem Unendlichen. Klopstock. Comp. 15/7 [1]815"; P. ?: "Hermann und Thusnelda. Klopstock Comp. Oct. [1]815 oder [1]816?"
Cary 30: Die frühen Gräber (D. 290) (1 p.) -- Cary 29: Dem Unendlichen (D. 291) (6 p.) -- Cary 31: Hermann und Thusnelda (D. 322) (8 p.)
Songs; for voice and piano.
Texts by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock.
Die frühen Gräber is incomplete; contains the last 4 measures, and the second and third stanzas of the text (without music).
Die frühen Gräber may have been composed Sept. 14, 1815; Hermann und Thusnelda may have been composed Oct. 27, 1815.
J. S. Tauber; Albert Cranz.
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1724-1803.
Tauber, J. S., former owner.
Cranz, Albert, former owner.
Cary, Mary Flagler, former owner.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Frühen Gräber.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Unendlichen.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Hermann und Thusnelda.