At the top of p. 1: "Müssen alle Stimmen herausgezohen [sic] werden, und radopirt. -- gleich aber die Parte cantante / und gleich dem H: Adamberger hinschicken."
Recitative and aria for tenor and orchestra.
Full score.
The words are by Caterino Mazzolà.
Johann Anton André; Jean Baptiste André; Julius Rietz; Musikbibliothek Peters; Walter Hinrichsen.
Mazzolà, Caterino, 1745-1806.
Adamberger, Valentin, former owner.
André, Johann Anton, 1775-1842, former owner.
André, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), 1823-1882, former owner.
Rietz, Julius, 1812-1877, former owner.
Hinrichsen, Walter, 1907-1969, former owner.