Manuscript hagiographic and homiletic miscellany; written and illuminated at the Touton scriptorium, the Fayyūm Province, Egypt, between 905 and 906.
3 sewing repairs.
Colophons: 1) fol. 1v: Artist (?), place of copying in Coptic: Deacon Petros of Touton [Petros of Touton collaborated, as artist of M.580, with copyist Basili, who perhaps also copied the presenet manuscript]. 2) fol. 64r: Donation, date of donation in Coptic: To the Monastery of St. Michael near present day Hamuli; AM 622 [written in the same hand as that of the colophon of M.604].
Early dating terminus given as per L. Depuydt in "Catalogue of Coptic manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library", p. L: "The earliest and latest dates found in Hamuli colophons are AD 822/823 and AD 913/914...Since the Hamuli group is fairly homogeneous, it is reasonable to assume that all manuscripts from Hamuli roughly belong in the period AD 822/823-913/914."
Written area ca. 257 x 196 mm. Divisions: Brown leather tab fastened to center of fore-edge of fol. 46 at major division of the codex; ekthesis reddened enlarged or sometimes greatly enlarged initial (color omitted at fols. 22v-25r), and paragraphus sign setting off paragraphs; some passages, especially quotations, marked by a small reddened diple in margin of each line. Exceeding letters of last line of recto sometimes written below end of the line and encompassed by a red stroke.
Script: Upright (titles and colophons right-sloping). 10 lines = ca. 82 mm
Superlineation: Non-standard. Punctuation: Raised reddened dot in conjunction with a space; 2 or more reddened dots with or without a reddened space filler at ends of paragraphs (fol. 10r b, additional reddened diples). Tremas.
Collation: Signed on first and last page of the quire, top inner margin. No quire ornaments, monograms, headlines or catchwords.
Scribe: Basili, of Touton?
Artist: Petros, of Touton
Decoration: illuminated frontispiece, headpieces, tailpiece ornaments, initials, paragraphus signs, signatures and page numbers, extended letters. Colors: dark reddish orange (Centroid 38), moderate reddish brown (43), strong yellow (84), green (corroded).