Book of hours ("unfinished hours"), use of Rome; calendar in French, composite, mainly Paris; written and illuminated in Provence, France, ca. 1440-1450.
Decoration: 10 large miniatures, 24 calendar illustrations.
The illumination of M.358 is unfinished. Commencing with fol. 14, each gathering has leaves whose decoration is in various stages of incompletion. There are frames for large unexecuted miniatures on fols. 53r, 57v, 63r, 132v, 197v, 198v, 199v, 203v, 204v, 205v, 206v, 207v. In some instances, the blank spaces contain instructions to the miniaturist.
Artists: Barthélemy d'Eyck (d. ca. 1476) and Enguerrand Quarton (ca. 1410-ca. 1466).
The miniatures in M.358 that have been attributed to Barthélemy d'Eyck, painter to King René d'Anjou, have been seen as stylistically close to the work of the Coeur Master in the "Cueur d'amours espris" (Vienna, Öst. Nationalbild., Cod. 2597) who in turn has been identified with the Master of the Aix Annunciation presently considered to be Barthélemy d'Eyck. His miniatures include the calendar medallions except for fols. 5 (r and v), 8 (r and v), 9r and 10v and the miniatures on fols. 13r, 15r, 17r, 19r, 20v 25r, 40r. Enguerrand Quarton executed the miniatures on fols. 106r, 202v, 209v. Franc̦ois Robin's suggestion that Pierre du Billant, Barthélemy d'Eyck's stepfather, was responsible for some of the illustrations has not been generally accepted.
Illustrations not included in the Index of Christian Art records: fol. 47. Unpainted foliate border with sketch for male figure -- fol. 53. Unpainted miniature with unfinished foliate border -- fol. 57. Unpainted miniature with unfinished foliate border -- fol. 95. Foliate border with peacock -- fol. 131. Unpainted miniature with foliate border -- fol. 144v. Unpainted miniature with foliate border -- fol. 196v. Unpainted miniature and foliate border with sketches for ass playing viol, two standing foxes, and bird.
Revised: 2015
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Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Book of Hours
Accession number:
MS M.358
Book of Hours
Provence, France, ca. 1440-1450.
Red velvet, two gilt clasps with monogram, in blue morocco case by Marguerite Duprez Lahey.
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) in 1909.
225 leaves (1 column, 14 lines), bound : vellum, ill. ; 250 x 183 mm
Clasps with a French monogram, ca. 1700; Joseph Barrois Collection (no. 12), sold in 1849 to the Earl of Ashburnham; his sale (London, 1901, no. 282, pl.), to G.R. Harding; Rodolphe Kann Collection; purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) from L. Badin in June 1909; J.P. Morgan (1867-1943).
Latin and French
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