Ms. book of hours for the use of Paris; written and illuminated in France, perhaps in Paris or northeastern France, ca. 1465.
Decoration: 16 large miniatures, most with border medallions; 24 calendar illustrations; full borders on most of the leaves; a missing leaf from this ms. depicting God the Father Enthroned, was in the Catalogue Handzeichnungen, C.G. Boermer in Leipzig, May 9 and 10, 1930, no. 254, from the Spitzer Collection; then sold in Kornfeld und Klipstein, Bern, Auktion 114, June 15, 1955, no. 52; its present whereabouts are unknown.
Four miniatures are missing on fols. 14r-15r, 24r-25r, 97r-98r, 217r-218r.
Artist: Master of Jacques de Luxembourg.