Ms. written and illuminated in Paris, France, in 1679.
Texts: La vérité à la place des ombres; L'agneau paschal, figure du sacrifice et Sacrement de nos autels; La manne, figure de la sacreé Eucharistie; L'arch d'alliance, figure de l'auguste Sacrement de l'autel.
Decoration: elaborately decorated title pages; 12 pages painted to resemble marbled paper introducing the 4 divisions, 13 large miniatures illustrating Biblical texts, 32 large symbolic or decorative paintings, elaborate floriated headpieces, floriated borders.
Artist: various artists, among them Pierre Patel, who signed the miniature of fol. 89: Patel, pinxit 1679.
Folios 4r and 4v and 222r and 222v have gold frames left blank incicating that texts were planned but not completed for these folios.
The pagination takes into account the inserted paper guard sheets before each illustration to total 226 folios.
Revised: 2016
Montpensier manuscript