Historia scholastica.

Accession number: 
MS M.1159
Historia scholastica.
France, second half of 12th cent.
Contemporary vellum over thick wooden boards, rebacked; lacking center and corner bosses and two clasps.
Melvin R. Seiden Collection, 2007.
143 leaves (2 columns, 40-41 lines, except gatherings 15-16), bound : vellum, ill. ; 297 x 220 mm
Presumably destined for a monastic library; there is an erased explicit, and various uninformative inscriptions and pen-trials on the endleafs in French hands of the 13th-16th centuries: these include the word 'Langhat'; sale (London, Christie's, Nov. 29, 1999, lot 3).

Ms. Biblical history written and illuminated in France in the second half of the 12th century.
Decoration: 4 large illuminated initials with staves of gold or gold and silver, set against grounds or foliate decoration of red, blue or green with white penwork decoration; flourished initials in blue, red and green throughout.
The illuminated initials are on fol. 28r (opening of Exodus), fol. 45r (opening of Leviticus), fol. 66r (opening of Joshua), and fol. 130r (opening of Mortuo symone ...)
By comparison with J.P. Migne, Patrologia Latina, 198, columns 1053-1722, the present manuscript now opens at 1064, Ch. 9. Originally this copy was prepared in three sections: Genesis to Deuteronomy (eight gatherings); Joshua to Maccabees (nine gatherings); the final section opening Mortuo symone (Migne 1525 ch.2) and finishing with the Acts of the Apostles. A list of contents added at the end and the foliation under the running headings was supplied soon after the completion of the manuscript.--Cf. Christie's.
Collation: 143 leaves (of 185): 1⁵ (of 8, lacking i-iii), 2-4⁸, 5⁶ (of 8, lacking iv and v), 6⁸, 7⁷ (of 8, lacking iii), 8⁶ (of 8, lacking iv and v, lower half of vi excised), 9-10⁸, 11⁴ (of 8, lacking iii-vi), 12⁴ (of 8, lacking iii-vi), 13-14⁸, 15⁶, 16², 17⁸, 18⁸, 19² (of 8, lacking i, iii-vi and viii), 20-21⁸, 22⁵ (of 8, lacking iv-vi, viii blank endleaf), lacking 9 leaves between gatherings 15 and 16 and a further 8 leaves between gatherings 20 and 21, quire numbers on final versos in two series from i-xv and i-iiii, informal catchwords in inner lower corners of final versos up to gathering 15, near contemporary foliation.--Cf. Christie's.

protogothic bookhand