Psalter, canticles, and additional prayers

Accession number: 
MS S.10
Psalter, canticles, and additional prayers
Amiens, France, ca. 1300-1320.
Front and back panels from original 16th-century French gold tooled and painted binding inset in 19th-century brown gilt-tooled calf binding, with leaves from 19th-century printed book used as filler.
Bequest of E. Clark Stillman, 1995.
238 leaves (1 column, 18 lines), bound : vellum, ill. ; 178 x 116 mm
Owned 22 February 1610 by Egrolin (?) Robin (inscription on paper flyleaf and the inscription Citoyen Robin (?) written upside down on folio 16 bas-de-page); apparently passed to Delahav(?)e in 1627 (inscription reads + pace don dud[it] Robin 1627); 1881 written in brown ink on first vellum flyleaf; E. Clark Stillman Collection.

Ms. psalter, calendar for Amiens, written and illuminated in Amiens, France, ca. 1300-1320.
Decoration: 9 historiated initials, 2 large decorated initials, many pages entirely framed with bar border in pink and blue and gold leaf studded with birds perched on leaf clusters. Elaborately decorated catchwords in green wash and brown ink filigree.
Subjects of the 9 historiated initials are as follows: 1. fol. 7r: Beatus vir initial -- 2. fol. 38r: Anointing of David -- 3. fol. 58v: David with hand to mouth -- 4. fol. 77r: Crowned warrior about to cut off cleric's head with sword -- 5. fol. 78r: The fool with large white bread, club, faced by naked winged devil -- 6. fol. 97v: David in canoe, sinking -- 7. fol. 121v: David playing bells -- 8. fol. 143v: 3 tonsured clerics in front of bookstand, singing from scroll; inscribed on it: Domine miserere mei -- 9. fol. 167r: God the Father, God the Son seated, both with cross-haloes, but no Dove.
Collation: Quires of 8, some with signature marks i-iiii, 5th folio +, on lower corner of rectos.

Latin and Middle French