Ms. moralizing verse; written and illuminated in Austria, probably in Tyrol, in the last quarter of the 15th century.
A collection of moralizing tales translated into German by Hugo von Trimberg from various Latin sources around 1300. According to Ehrismann (1908-11), this manuscript belongs to Class 1, Group F: it includes the 6 acts of charity, and lacks Michel von Wurzburg's revisions. Of the 15 extant illustrated manuscripts, this one is particularly close to Darmstadt ULB Hs. 2779; and Innsbruck ULBT Cod. 900.
Decoration: 30 full-page and 61 half-page miniatures.
The watermark on the paper for most of this manuscript corresponds closely to Briquet 11798 or 11787, which has been localized to Würzburg, 1457 and Berlin, 1447 to 1448--Cf. PML files.