Oates types her address at the top of the shorter questionnaire as "6000 Riverside Drive East - Windsor 16, Ontario, Canada."
The questionnaire is not dated but she refers to the upcoming publication of "Them" which was published in June 1969.
Responding to two questionnaires, the first one of 39 questions about the work of American writers in the past five years and a second questionnaire of 4 questions on the author's own work; naming Updike and Bellow as writers whose prose style she most admires, Mailer as the writer whose narrative power is strongest and Bellow as the writer whose execution of character is strongest; naming Isaac Singer, William Styron and John Cheever as the three writers she would most like to have as neighbors; citing "Mr Sammler's Planet" as her favorite novel of the past five years; responding in detail to the questions about her current work and the upcoming publication of "Them" as part of the trilogy which included "A Garden of Earthly Delights and "Expensive People;" replying to the question about her next project Oates says she "would like to write a number of stories turning about a very few centers -- mainly love, love and its discontents and derangements...;" saying that in thinking of a long-range plan for herself she includes a book of poems, a book of short stories and a novel."