Address of John Brown to the Virginia Court, Nov. 2, 1859, on receiving the sentence of death, for his heroic attempt at Harper's Ferry, to give deliverance to the captives, and to let the oppressed go free. : (Mr. Brown, upon inquiry whether he had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon him, in a clear, distinct voice, replied:) I have, may it please the court, a few words to say. ...

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
MA 884.13
Brown, John, 1800-1859.
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 30 x 20.5 cm

Parentheses substituted for square brackets in title transcription.
Facsimile signature at end: John Brown.
Text in two columns.
Morgan copy lacks publication information; publisher is from N-YHS record.
Part of a collection of autograph speeches delivered at the John Brown Relief and Memorial Meetings held in Massachusetts in 1859-60. Items in the collection are described in individual records; see MA 884 for more information.