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Accession number:
MA 655
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1910.
1 item (3 p., unbound) ; 33.1 cm
Signed "John Barleycorn."
"Petition of the Scotch Distillers to Mr. Pitt" and "Address of the Scots Distillers" written on the verso of p. 3. The second note may be in Burns' hand; the first is in an unknown hand.
J. De Lancey Ferguson notes that the address was published in the Edinburgh evening courant on Feb. 9, 1789 and points out a reference Burns makes to a "piece of ... prose" he is mailing her that treads on "dangerous ground" (in a letter to Mrs. Dunlop dated Feb. 5, 1789).
With corrections; published versions of the address differ slightly from this draft.
Housed in:
Red cloth drop-spine box (35.8 cm)
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan from the London dealer Pearson, 1910.
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