Forms part of a collection of 41 letters from Austen to her sister and two prints (MA 977.1-43).
High reserve.
The first 1.5 pages are written on "Monday, June 20th"; "Wednesday" appears in the middle of p. 2.
The first two pages have crossed writing on them (a full page on p. 1 and a 3-line postscript on p. 2).
With postmark and seal, addressed to Miss Austen, Castle Square, Southampton.
Watermark: Shield with horn inside over cursive letters "JM".
Describing a visit to Canterbury to see Harriot Bridges Moore, an acquaintance recently married to the Reverend George Moore, and her little girl; giving details of her brother Edward's plan to visit Hampshire; mentioning an invitation she has received to visit Mrs. Knight and meet Mrs. C. Knatchbull; analyzing whether Harriot's marriage is a happy one; noting the recent illness of most of the children in the house; observing that she is not enjoying Scott's Marmion -- "Ought I to be very much pleased with Marmion? -- as yet I am not"; commenting on a recent elopement between a Mrs. Powlett and Lord Sackville.