Letter has a number of penciled corrections, on stationery with Gaudier-Brzeska's wood-block portrait of Pound's profile printed in red.
Signature "E.P." is written in pencil.
Concerns Pound's review of Franklin D. Roosevelt's "On Our Way," saying "the Moratorium [T.S. Eliot's journal "The Criterion"] hasn't yet used it. My review may very well be too long for T[ime] and T[ide] but if you can use it before Eliot gets round to being ready to consider preparing to get ready, it is available ... Damn nuisance having a thing like that delayed till it has no punch in it..." Pound asks for "Robbins and the Warburg" to be sent to him for review, mentions a few of his own works (on the Japanese Noh drama) now out of print. He also mentions Senator Thomas, Monty Norman, and Alfred Orage, and concludes: "Economic shit is only obscene in a very profound sense, one can find an antiseptic verbal manifestation."