This text is often attributed to John Leslie, but the epistle dedicatory is signed "Your heighnes dailie Orator GT" (who has not been identified).
Full title reads: "A table gathered owt of a booke named A treatise of treasons against Q: Elizabeth and the croune of England. Latelie compiled by a stranger and sent owt of france, printed in the year of our lorde. 1572."
Giving abridged information on the contents of A Treatise of Treasons (attributed to John Leslie). Listing various classes of treasons, including "Treasons in particulare againste the Queenes person, the realme and right succession" (pp.4-6) and "Particulare treasons of the Conspiratores against the Q[ueene]. of Scotl[and]. The realme and the prince" (pp.6-7). Also reproducing "A Copie of a lettre addressed from Antwerp the xxvi of June to Mr. Hatton [this is Christopher Hatton, captain of the yeoman of the guard], and deliuered vnto him at Spaw the 5. of Julie. 1573" (pp.12-13). Also reproducing "Certaine important points added by the abridger of the treatise, after deliuery of the Table to Mr. Hattons handes, implyinge vehement demonstratio[n]s of the p[re]sent perill of your heighnes life and person" (pp.13-17).