Copy of a letter written on behalf of the King of Prussia : Potsdam, to Marie Louise Denis, 1753 June 30.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
MA 6761.21
Prades, Jean-Martin de.
The Dannie and Hettie Heineman Collection. Gift of the Heineman Foundation, 1977.
1 item (2 p.) ; 22.1 cm

The original letter was apparently written from Potsdam on 30 June 1753; the exact date and location of writing of this contemporary copy is unknown.
Headed with the note "Copie figurée de la lettre écrite au nom du Roi de Prusse à Madame Denis à Francfort, et à Mr. de Voltaire an son absence."
Part of a large collection of letters from Voltaire to his niece and mistress Marie Louise Mignot Denis. Letters have been cataloged individually; see collection-level record for more information.

The Dannie and Hettie Heineman Collection.