Autograph letter signed : Plombières, to [Michel] Lambert, [1754] July 6.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
MA 1765.18
Voltaire, 1694-1778.
Purchased, 1956.
1 item (1 p., with address) ; 22.6 cm

Addressed to "Monsieur Lambert Libraire / aupres de la comedie française / a Paris."
Year is from published version of the letter.
With seal.
This item is part of a group of letters of Voltaire; see main record for MA 1765 for a description of the collection.


Declaring that he does not wish Mr. Lambert to print the third volume of his Universal History without the preface and the dedication to the Elector Palatine and without his corrections; saying it would be a serious setback if the book were released without the dedication; begging him not to do anything without having written to him.

Laverdet sale (Paris, 2 June 1856, p. 57, no. 461); Laverdet sale (Paris, July 1856, p. 8, no. 144); Amédée Renée sale, Charavay (Paris, 6 Feb. 1860, p. 37-8, no. 502); Sotheby sale (London, 12 Mar. 1902, p. 54, no. 516); Theodore Besterman.