Title from colophon, leaf H6v: Finiu[n]tur co[m]posita verbo[rum] nouiter correcta [et] emendata.
Printed in the Printer of the Modus legendi abbreviatura (H 11467) type 1:91G.
Signatures: A-G⁸ H⁶: 62 leaves, leaf A1 blank with A2 signed A1, etc. A4 missigned C3, C3-4 missigned E3-4.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
In verse, with commentary.
32-33 lines to a full page.
Begins, A1r: [A] Sipo co[m]posita sunt obsipo dissipo dicta.
Commentary by Johannes Synthen.
Edition not recorded in ISTC or GW (as of April 2024).
Morgan copy leaf dimensions: 20.3 x 15 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes. Annotations: "Composita v[er]bo[rum] iohannis sinthen q[ui] suit in domo frat[rum] dauentrie conue[n]tualis," 15th century (leaf A1r). Marginal keyword notations. Contemporary foliation, ignoring blank, mostly trimmed.