Title from caption, leaf [1]/1v.
Imprint from Xylo-Bav and watermark identification.
Questionably attributed to Lower Rhine production since image plates were later used in two typographic editions printed by Nicholas Götz at Cologne about 1475, see ISTC ia01114000 and ia01114200.
Collation [1-12²]: 24 leaves. Signed on the text leaf of each bifolium: a-[m] (sometimes repeated on image plates); no signature on final bifolium, [m].
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Order of text in edition IIA (preface, Infidelity/Faith, Despair, Avarice, Impatience/Patience, Vainglory, death) different than standard order cited in Schrieber (preface, Infidelity/Faith, Despair, Impatience/Patience, Vainglory, Avarice, death).
Printing states differentiated by the recutting of leaves 17, 19, 21, and 23 (Schreiber identified as leaves 13, 15, 17, and 23 based on standard order) for state B.
Printed in brown ink, on one side of the paper only.
PML copy is 15 leaves (of 24): leaves 1-15 (leaves 16-24 are PML 3).
PML copy digitized when owned by the Grafen von Schönborn by Blockbücher aus bayerischen Sammlungen (https://www.bayerische-landesbibliothek-online.de/xylographa.html).
Watermark: on plates II-III. IHS monogram. On glued together sheets. Watermark, beta radiograph, plates II-III letters IPO. 442428wm1_PML198786_II_WM_beta
Watermark: on plates IV-V. IHS monogram, with cross. On glued together sheets. Watermark, beta radiograph, plates IV-V. 442428wm2_PML198786_IV_WM_beta.tiff
Watermark: on plate VI-VII. Unicorn. On glued together sheets. Watermark, beta radiograph, plates VI-VII, unicorn. 442428wm3_PML198786_VI_WM_beta
Watermark: on plates X-XI. Unicorn (two marks on two sheets). On glued together sheets. Watermark, beta radiograph, plates X-XI, unicorn. 442428wm4_PML198786_X_WM_beta
Hand decoration: Woodcut plates partially hand-colored in brown, reddish-brown, green, and blue washes.