Title from incipit, leaf [1]/1v.
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Printer of the Calderinus type 1:104G.
Collation: [1¹⁰ 2-5⁸ 6¹⁰ 7⁸ 8¹⁰]: 70 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Without music.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.2 x 20.5 cm.
PML copy bound with text of the Alliaco split between quires s and A with quires [1-6] of the Passio bound in between, with quires [7-8] of the Passio - containing Guillaume de Saint-Amour, Defensorium ecclesiae - bound at end of volume.
Passio Domini Jesu Christi secundum quattuor Evangelia
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, paragraph marks, and underlining. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Some alpha-numeric signatures still visible in Passio, continuing alphabet from Alliaco signatures.