Title from caption, a1 verso.
Dated by Hellinga, W. & L. The fifteenth-century printing types of the Low Countries. Polain dated about 1484.
Printed in the Fratres Vitae Communis type 1b:98G.
Signatures: a-h⁸ i⁶ ij⁶; k-p⁸; q⁸ r⁶ s⁸; A-C⁸ D¹⁰ E-P⁸ Q⁶: 274 leaves, leaves p8, s8 and Q6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.2 x 20.5 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: A1.
PML copy bound with text of the Alliaco split between quires s and A with quires [1-6] of the Passio bound in between, with quires [7-8] of the Passio - containing Guillaume de Saint-Amour, Defensorium ecclesiae - bound at end of volume.
Tractatus et sermones
Hand decoration: Contemporary (Hildesheim?) rubrication (same throughout volume), red initials, paragraph marks, and underlining. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Leaves s7r-s8r with manuscript of David de Augusta, De exterioris et interioris hominis compositione Lib. II, 1 (incipit rubric: "De quattuor in quibus incipientes deo servire debent esse cauti"). Some alpha-numeric signatures still visible in Passio, continuing alphabet from Alliaco signatures.