Title from half-title page (leaf A1r).
Imprint from ISTC.
Date from colophon (leaf B6v): Finiunt Lauden Pindari. Anno [christ]i .MCCCC.xcvii.
Printed in Stöckel's types 1:81G and 2:160G.
Signatures: A-B⁶: 12 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto
The attribution of the Salutaris poeta to Gerhard is doubtful.
The 'Laudes Pindari ad Julium Anthonium' is taken from Horace's Carmen IV, 2.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 19.6 x 13.5 cm.
Carmen in libidinis insolentes
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red capital strokes. Annotations: Early maringal and interlinear notations (leaf A2r). Tab and inscription: "10" (leaf A1r), suggesting tenth text in a Sammerlband, and early pagination (pp. 507-530). 17th-/18th-century numbering of some verses in Salutaris poeta, and pen trials.