Title from caption (leaf a2r).
Imprint from colophon (leaf z7v).
Printed in type 8*:109R.
Signatures: a¹²; b-m¹⁰ n⁸ o-r¹⁰ s-x⁸ y¹⁰ z⁸; [1]⁸: 228 leaves, leaf a1 blank. Leaves [1]/3-4 signed 3 and 4.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Capital spaces, some with guide letters.
"Nephythomon Lactantij Firmiani incipit": leaves [1]/1-[1]/8 verso.
Register: leaf z8.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.7 x 20.8 cm.
Caption, leaf b1: L. Coelij Lacta[n]cij firmiani diuina[rum] institutionu[m] aduersus ge[n]tes liber prim[us] de falsa religione ad Co[n]sta[n]tinu[m] Imp[er]atore[m]
Hand decoration: Bohemian painted foliate border (leaf b1r) and initials; rubricated, alternating red and blue lombards with yellow capital infill, with red paragraph marks, headlines, and marginal guides. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations throughout.