Ms. executed ca. 1475 in Cologne/Lower Rhine.
Collation: [1⁴], 4 leaves.
Chancery folio (27.8 x 19.7 cm). Two paper stocks with P watermark dated to 1470, Speyer and 1473-74, Frankurt a.M. (Piccard, Wasserzeichen, IV: IX, 1337 and 1342-43).
Light ink ruling in 1 column (17.9 x 11 cm) of 31-32 lines.
Contents: Proverbs on leaves [1]/1r-2v by Plato, Aristotle, Boethius, Lucan, Prudentius, etc. and end "Expliciu[n]t mor[alia] dog[mata] ph[iloso]phor[um];" leaves 2v-3v with quotes from Ambrose and Boethius; "Septem sunt genera stultorum" (3v); "Septem sunt curialitates mundi" (3v); "Septem sunt incurialitates mundi" (3v-4r); texts on muscles and horses, including "Versus de bonitate equorum" and "Versus de viciis mali equi" (4r-v).
Execution attributed to Cologne/Lower Rhine region on basis of binding.
Decoration: Rubricated, red capital strokes.