Title from half-title page, leaf A1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf R7v: Actu[m]q[ue] dilige[n]ti adhibita exami[n]at[i]o[n]e i[m]pe[n]sis p[ro]vidi viri m[a]g[ist]ri Jo[hann]is Reynardi (al[ia]s grunynger) i[n] i[n]signi ci[vi]tate Argen[tiensis]. ubi co[m]plet[us] extitit Mccccxciiii. q[ua]rto vero nonarum Marcii.
Printed in Grüninger's type 15:64G.
Signatures: A-R⁸: 136 leaves, leaf R8 blank.
Paper format: Chancery octavo.
The day and month are presumably taken over from Grüninger's editions of 1493 (ISTC is00039000 and is00040000).
The first two lines of the title are printed from a woodblock in white on black ground.
Initial spaces, some with guide-letters.
Errors in foliation: leaf numbers LXXXV-LXXXVIII and CVIII-CIX repeated. Folios O2, O4, O6, and O8 misfoliated.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 14.7 x 9.5 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: R8 (blank).
Hand decoration: Rubricated, contemporary red initials and capital strokes on leaves E4v-G8r only; rubrication does not match that in Jordanus. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.