Title from ISTC.
Colophon, leaf I8v: Ces presentes heures ont este acheueez le deuziesme iour de septembre .M.cccc. quatrevingtz et cinq [et] faictes i[m]p[ri]mer p[er] a[n]thoine verard libraire demoura[n]t a paris a lymaige sainte iehan levangeliste sur le pont n[ot]re dame ou au palaiz au p[ri]mier pylier devant la chapelle ou on cha[n]te la messe messeigneurs les p[er]side[n]s.
Printing attributed to Jean Du Pré in GW. Otto Schäfer catalogue attributed to Jean Le Rouge (in Chablis or Troyes). These sources mistakenly transcribe the imprint date in the colophon as 12 September.
Printed in De Pré's types 18:71G and 18*:71G.
Signatures: [1-2⁸]; a-d⁸; AA, B-H⁸; [I]⁸: 120 leaves.
44 woodcuts, with repetitions.
For typographical evidence supporting the attribution to Jean Le Rouge see Monceaux, Les Le Rouge de Chablis, pp. 116-119.
For an account of the woodcuts and a reassessment of the Jean Du Pré attribution see Tenschert, ed., Horae B.M.V., vol. 4, p. 1392.
PML copy on vellum.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 12 x 8.4 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary French rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and underlining. Inscriptions: Important feasts added to calendar in red. Contemporary prayer (leaf H8v). Bird drawn into the woodcut of St. Apollonia (leaf G8v).