Hec est noua queda[m] singular[is] atq[ue] rara legenda ex aliis sex lege[n]dis collecta et perfecta, tractans de origine et vite ordine de conuersione ac magistrali disputatione ast de passione, morte, [et] miraculis generose regine, necnon gloriose virginis et martiris sancte Katherine, ciuis quoq[ue] olim erat vrbis Alexandrine.

Accession number: 
PML 129652
Petrus, Frater.
[Strasbourg] : Impressa per magistrum Johannem Gruninger civem Argentinensis, Millesimo q[ui]ngentesimo octauo deniq[ue] ydus Aprilis [6 April 1500].
[5], II-LIIII leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 19 cm (4to)
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Lathrop C. Harper C-1 and Curt F. Bühler Funds, 2005.

Title from half-title page, leaf A1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf K6r: Peracta est historia noua, magna cum diligentia [et] fideli studio reuisa. Impressa per magistru[m] Ioha[n]nem Gruninger ciue[m] argentinen[sis]. D[omi]nice natiuitatis anno Millesimo q[ui]ngentesimo octauo deniq[ue] ydus Aprilis. Finit feliciter.
Printed in Grüninger's types 8:81G (mixed with 25:81G) and 17:145G.
Signatures: A⁴ B-K⁶: 58 leaves
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
Woodcuts attributed to the Master of the Grüninger Terence.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 18 x 13 cm.

20th-century blind-tooled brown morocco over wooden boards (19 x 14 cm), sewn on 4 supports by Devauchelle; in slipcase. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; plain endbands; gilt edges.

Hand decoration: Rubication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Adrian W. Flühmann, monogram booklabel (front pastedown); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Wolfgang Mantler on the Lathrop C. Harper C-1 and Curt F. Bühler Funds, 2005.