Sometimes falsely attributed to Dionysius Carthusiensis, the Speculum is now attributed either to Jacobus de Gruytrode (cf. Bloomfield) or to Jacobus de Clusa (cf. L. Meier, Die Werke des Erfurter Karthäusers Jakob von Jüterbog, Münster, 1955) (CIBN). Jacobus de Clusa also recorded as Jacobus de Jüterbog or de Paradiso (Verfasserlexikon 2nd ed., IV: col. 478ff).
Title from half-title page, leaf a1r.
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Quentell's types 7:80G and 10:155G.
Signatures: a-d⁶: 24 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
Accipies woodcut on title page.
Bearer type and a large block visible beneath explicit, leaf d4r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20 x 13.5 cm.
Speculum animae peccatricis
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining (same as in part 6). Minor red highlighting of woodcut. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.