Title from ISTC.
Incipit, leaf [1]/1r: Hie hebet an die Epistel des heyligen priesters sant Jheronimi zu Paulinu[m] vo[n] allen götlichen büchern der hystori.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [75]/5v: Disz durchleuchtigist werck der gantzen heyligen geschrifft. genant dy bibel für all and vorgetrücket teutsch Bible[n]. lauterer. clarer. vnd warer nach rechter remey ner teutsch. mit.hohez vnd gros zem vleys z.gege[n]dem lateynischen text gerechtuertigt. vnds chidlich punctirt. mit vbers chrifften bey dem meystenteyl der capitel vnd psalm. iren inhalt vnd vzsach. anzaygende. Vn[d] mitschönen figuren dy hystorie[n] bedeute[n]de. hat hie einendo. Gedruckt durch anthonium koburger in der löblichen keyserlichen reychstat Nürenberg. Nach der geburt cristi des gesetzs der genaden. vierzehenhundert vnd in dem dreyvndachtzigste[n] iar. am montag nach Inuocauit. V[o]m wellich volbzigung. sey lob. glori. vndere. der hohen heylige[n] dry ualtigkeit. vn[d] eynigem wesen. dem vater vn[d] dez sun vnnd dem heyligen geyst. der da lebt vnnd regiret gott ewigklich amen.
Printed in Koberger's types 10:120G and 11:162G.
Collation: [1⁴ 2-4⁸ 5⁶ 6-37⁸ 38⁶; 39-72⁸ 73-75⁶]: 586 leaves, leaves [38]/6, [39]/1 and [75]/6 blank. Variant collation in BMC: [a¹² b-c⁸ d⁶ ...].
Paper format: Royal folio.
109 woodcuts, reused from Quentell's Low German Bibles printed in Cologne.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 36.5 x 26 cm.
PML copy missing 3 leaves: [38]/6, [39]/1 and [75]/6 (blanks).
PML copy bound as 1 volume.
Checklist title: Biblia Germanica
Hand decoration: 15th-century Nuremberg (Koberger-shop) rubricaiton, alternating red and blue initials, red paragraph marks and capital strokes; primary initials illuminated on blind-stamped gold ground or in red/blue with penwork decoration. Rubrication styles different in two parts of text, but illumination and hand-coloring of woodcuts is consistent. Illuminated initial D over rubricated initial (leaf [39]/2r). Woodcuts hand-colored, a few with illumination in same style as primary initials. Annotations: No significant marginal notations in text.