Title from incipit (leaf a1v).
Schreiber defined as two different editions I and II, now identified as a single edition I/II, in two different states (1 and 2) corresponding to Schreiber's original editions. State 2 includes alphabetic signatures added to the woodblocks and an additional bifolium ²a (leaves 3-4) with the life of St. John.
Xylo-Bav. dates [Netherlands or Germany, about 1460-1467]; CIBN dates [Netherlands, about 1462]; Bod-inc dates [Netherlands or Germany, mid-1460s, impression about 1466-1470]. Schreiber I/II, state 1 dates to [Belgium (Louvain), about 1450-1454], see Stevenson, "Problem of the Blockbooks," 240-41.
Date of PML copy derived from watermarks.
Printed on one side only in a brown ink.
Collation: [1-25²]: 50 leaves, signed a², ²a², b-u², x-y², +², and X².
Paper format: Chancery folio
One of the block books that has survived in the greatest numbers is the Biblia pauperum, a compendium of scripture prepared for the poor and the minor clergy, providing them with material for prayer and reflection. The general intent of the Biblia pauperum was to harmonize the Old and New Testaments. This block book presents 40 Biblical events illustrated by parallel passages from the Old and New Testaments. Subjects from the life of Christ are found in the central panel of the page accompanied by two parallels (prefigurations, or typological interpretations) from Old Testament history and a witness from the prophets in the adjacent left and right panels.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.3 x 19.6 cm.
PML copy with two fragments of the upper parts of leaves p1-2 from this edition as printer's waste, formerly used as binding reinforcement, now detached and bound in at end. Original staining from fragments visible on leaves a1r and X2v.
Apocalypsis Sanctis Johannis
Unidentified inscription (perhaps related to Cool's ownership, citing Bernhard von Mallinckrodt (1591-1664)): "S. Johannis Apocalypsis cum figuris, [abrasion] opus incisum, non Typographicum; foliis conglutinates: Ideoq[ue] [abraded] omni Typographico antiquius." followed by (partially torn away?): "[...]lolius in suo Monasterium itinere anno 1646. [...] Apocalypsin à Malinkrotio sibi ostensam me-[...]morans eandem cum ipsâ hâc dictam.” (leaf a1r).
Watermark: leaf 2. Long anchor with small cross.
Watermark: leaf 4. Long anchor with small cross. Variant 2, one arm longer.
Watermark: leaf 26. Gothic letter "P" with split tail, surmounted by quatrefoil.
Watermark: leaf 33. Bull's head, with eyes, ears, nose, mouth and small cross.
Watermark: leaf 34. Gothic letter "P" with split tail, surmounted by quatrefoil.