An additional chapter (three leaves) is found in one copy printed on vellum (Windsor RL), possibly a presentation copy (ISTC).
Caxton's device, leaf L10v.
Collation: A-I⁸ K-L¹⁰: 92 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27 x 18.8 cm
PML copy missing 2 leaves: L1.10, replaced in facsimile.
Printed in Caxton's type 5:113B.
Probably by an anonymous monk of Cluny. Ascriptions to Guy de Roye and Jean Gerson cannot be upheld (ISTC).
Title and imprint from colophon (leaf L10r): Thus endeth the doctrinal of sapyence the whyche is ryght utile and prouffytable to alle crysten men/ whyche is translated out of Frenshe in to englysshe by wyllyam Caxton at westmester fynysshed the .vii. day of may the yere of our lord / M / cccc lxxx ix. Caxton me fieri fecit.
Translated from the French by William Caxton.
Two woodcuts (Hodnett 318 & 325).
Hand decoration: No rubrication required, printed initials and paragraph marks. Annotations: No notations in text.