Title from incipit (leaf a2r): The book of Fame made by Geffrey Chaucer...
Colophon (leaf d5r): Emprynted by wylliam Caxton.
Printed in Caxton's type 4*:95(100)B.
Collations: a-c⁸ d⁶: 30 leaves, leaves a1 and d6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Not in Goff.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30 x 21.8 cm
PML copy is leaf d4 only (Bk. III, lines 927-1002).
The hous of fame
Hand decoration: Unrubricated, no rubrication required on PML leaf. Annotations: Heavily inscribed in several contemporary/16th-century hands (leaf d4r): "Thys ys the boke off the gyenepty(?)," "Ihus be my spede in grace and vertu...," and financial notation: xxvi£ xvs iiiid.