Imprints from colophon and privilege (leaf K6r): "Excriptum Venetiis manu stamnea i[n] domo Aldi manutii Romani, & græcorum studiosi. Mense Februario .M. III D. / Impetratu[m] est a dominis Venetis ide[m] in hoc quod in cæteris impressis græce domi nostræ."
Printed in Manutius's types 1:146Gr, 2:114R, and 7:114Gk.
Collation: [star]⁸ [dotted X]⁸ [cross]⁸ [Os]⁸ a[alpha]-z[psi]⁸ & [omega]⁸ A-B⁸ C[Gamma]⁶ D[Delta]-H[Theta]⁸ I⁸ K⁶: 300 leaves, leaf l[lambda]8 blank.
Paper format: Super-chancery folio
Edited by Aldo Manuzio.
Errors in foliation: leaves 5, 29, 34, 95, 99, 113, 217 misnumbered 8, 28, 24, 69, 95, 121, 117 respectively.
Manuzio issued the entire Opera in five parts, dated: I) Organon, 1 Nov. 1495 (PML 1126/ChL 989); II) Physica, Feb. 1497 (PML 1127/ChL 997, PML 19117/ChL 997 c. 2); III) De animalibus, 29 Jan. 1497 (PML 1128/ChL 995); IV) Theophrastus, De historia plantarum, 1 June 1497 (PML 1129-1130/ChL 998, PML 34896/ChL 998 c. 2, pt. 1 only); V) Ethica ad Nicomachum, June 1498 (PML 1131/ChL 1008).
Chronologically the third of the five volumes of Aristoteles's Opera printed by Aldus Manutius in 1495-1498, but considered by him to form the first, see the dedicatory letter on leaf [star]1v and Walsh, 2644.
Printed catchwords, except in quires a[alpha]-e[eta].
Printed foliation, running titles and catchwords.
Text in Greek, preface in Latin.
Title from first page with lists of contents in Latin and Greek on leaf [star]1r.
Variants signalled in CIBN A-504.
Woodcut head-pieces and initials throughout.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31 x 21.1 cm
Aristotelis Opera Graece.
Hand decoration: No rubrication necessary. Annotations: No marginal notations.