Title from half-title page, leaf [alpha]1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [xi]8r: Enetiēsin etypōthē par'aldō; ouk aneu mentoi pronomiou; Chiliostō tetrakosiostō ennenēkostō hevdomō apo tēs Theogonias etei; mēnos poseideōnos pemptē histamenou; epi archontos Augustinou Varvadikou tēn vasilida tōn poleōn tautēn eutychōs ēniochountos.
Printed in Manuzio's type 2:114R and 7:114Gk.
Signatures: [alpha]-[xi]⁸: 112 leaves ([zeta]4 signed [epsilon]4).
Paper format: Median half-sheet 16mo.
Title-page, headings, rubrics, woodcut vinework and floral headpieces and initials, and letterpress capitals printed in red.
Woodcut of the Annunciation on leaf [alpha]1v.
Quire [kappa] is known in 2 settings, designated 'A' and 'B' by Bühler. Cf. C.F. Bühler, "Notes on two incunabula printed by Aldus Manutius," PBSA 36 (1942): 18-26.
Some copies have a prefixed 16-leaf section, signed a-b⁸, containing the "Brevissima introductio ad litteras Graecas" of Aldo Manuzio. Cf. Bühler.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 11.7 x 8.3 cm.
Horae beatiss[imae] uirginis secu[n]dum consuetudinem Romanae curiae. Septem psalmi poenitentiales cu[m] laetaniis & orationibus
Hand decoration: Rubication not required. Annotations: 19th-century manuscript notations of Greek grammar and alphabet (leaf [xi]8v of Horae and rear endleaves 1-4).