Title from half-title page, leaf [a]1r.
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Zel's types 2:115G and 4:67G.
Library's copy listed under Division B in Checklist.
Signatures: [a] b-o⁸ p¹⁰: 122 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery sixteenmo.
24 woodcuts and 14 metalcuts, with repititions.
PML copy missing 21 leaves: [a]2, [a]5, b1, b3, b8-c1, c3, c7, e4-5, f7, i3, k2, k8, m3, m5-6, n7, o3, o7, and p2; leaf [a]2 replaced in early manuscript on vellum and leaves m3 and m6 given to Lathrop C. Harper, July 1929. Leaves c7, e5, i3, k2, m5, o3, o7, p2 replaced with leaves from an unknown copy of Meditationes de vita et beneficiis Jesu Christi (not Morris-Bennett copy, PML 108.2, which is complete).
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and paragraph marks and red capital strokes; manuscript leaf [a]2r with illuminated initial and foliate border. Annotations: No significant marginal notations in text.