Cest le prologue de cest present livre appelle le livre de sainctz anges compile par frere francois eximines de lordre des frers mineurs a la requeste de messire pierre dartes chevalier chambellain et maistre dostel du roy darragon.

Accession number: 
PML 75561
Eiximenis, Francesc, approximately 1340-approximately 1409.
Imprime a Lyon : par maistre Guillaume Le Roy, le .xx. iour de moys de may. Lan de grace Mil.cccc.lxxxvi [20 May 1486]
[154] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 27 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased as the gift of Julia P. Wightman, 1978.

Author also recorded as Francesc Eiximenis.
Title from caption, leaf a2r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf v5v: Cy finist le livre des sainctz anges. Imprime a lyon par maistre guillaume le roy. le .xx. iour de moys de may. Lan de grace Mil.cccc.lxxxvi.
Printed in Le Roy's type 5:108/109G.
Signatures: a-r⁸ s-v⁶: 154 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.3 x 19 cm.
PML copy woodcuts on a1v and v8r remounted on modern leaves.

18th-century French mottled tan calf over paper boards (27 x 20 cm), sewn on 4 supports. Marbled paper pastedowns and endleaves, with plain paper endleaves; red edges.
Variant Title: 

Livre des saints anges


Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Early(?) marginal notations and NB marks throughout text, all bleached and illegible.

Unidentified French inscription, bleached (leaf a2r); Jacques Richard, DM (1744-1812), of Lyon, armorial stamp: "Ex Bibliotheca J. Richard D.M." (mutliple leaves throughout text); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Jammes as the gift of Julia P. Wightman, 1978.