Title from incipit, leaf [2]/2r: Incipit primvs liber specvli moralis.
Imprint from copies with colophon, leaf [50]/10r: Vincentii Beluacensis Sacre theologie doctoris eximii Ordinis fr[atre]m predicatorum Speculum Morale ... Impressumq[ue] in inclyta vrbe Argentinensium ac nitide terse emendateq[ue] refertum per honorandu[m] d[omi]n[u]m d[omi]n[u]m Iohannem Mentelin artis imp[re]ssorie magistru[m] famosissimu[m]. Anno a partu virginis salutifero millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimo sexto. die mensis nouembris nona.
Known with and without colophon (Schorbach 36 & 37). BMC mistranscribes Van Praet's report of it, hence dating the edition 6 November. A few copies (eg WillCL, München BSB) have following the colophon the words 'VALE LEONARDE. TIBI OPTO // SVCCESSVS SECVNDOS'.
Printed in Mentelin's type 8:107G.
Collation: [1⁴; 2-6¹⁰ 7⁸ 8-12¹⁰ 13⁸ 14¹⁰ 15⁸, 16-20¹⁰ 21⁸ 22-25¹⁰, 26¹⁰ 27⁸, 28¹⁰; 29-33¹⁰ 34⁸ 35-36¹⁰ 37⁸ 38⁶(+1), 39-43¹⁰ 44⁸ 45-49¹⁰ 50¹²]: 477 leaves, leaves [1]/1, [2]/1, and [50]/12 blank.
Paper format: Imperial folio.
PML copy issued without colophon.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 47.6 x 33.5 cm.
PML copy missing 6 leaves: [1]/1-4, [2]/1, and [50]/12 (tabula and blanks).
Incipit primus liber speculi moralis
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, paragraph marks (wedge- and P-shaped), and capital strokes; primary initials with negative decoration in letterform. Annotations: Minimal marginal notations sporadically in text, mainly nota bene marks and a few text corrections. Manuscript tabula in place of printed [1]/1-4, on same paper (watermark: crescent/star, not in Briquet or Piccard) as printed text. Contemporary manuscript Arabic numeral-Roman numeral quire signatures, starting with quire [2], and with center bifolium with a + after the Roman numeral. Same rubrication and marginal notations throughout PML 18246-51.