Title from Caxton's prologue (leaf A2r): After dyverse werkes made/ translated and achieved/ havyng noo werke in hand. I sittyng in my studye where as laye many dyverse paunflettis and bookys. happened that to my hande cam a lytyl booke in frenshe. whiche late was translated oute of latyn by some noble clerke of frau[n]ce whiche booke is named Eneydos/ made in latyn by that noble poete [and] grete clerke vyrgyle/...
Colophon (leaf L7r): ere fynyssheth the boke yf Eneydos/ compyled by Vyrgyle/ whiche hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe/ And oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me wyll[ia]m Caxton/ the xxii. daye of Juyn. the yere of our lorde. M.iiii Clxxxx. The fythe yere of teh Regne of kynge Henry the seventh.
Printed in Caxton's type 6:120B.
Date based on Caxton's date of translation in colophon and paper stocks (see BMC).
Collation: A⁶; B-L⁸: 86 leaves, leaves A1 and L8 blank. Leaves signed "A1" and "A2" are conjugate; the final leaf of the quire (i.e., A6) signed "A3" (see BMC).
Paper format: Chancery folio
Translated by William Caxton from the French Livre des Énéides.
Printed lombard initials and Caxton device.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 25.5 x 17 cm.
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required; printed initials and paragraph marks. Annotations: Contemporary English notations, mainly near beginning, and title: [?] Virgill hystoria Eneidos (leaf A2r). 18th-century foliation.