Title from half-title page, leaf a1r, with Jean Petit's device.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [et]3v: Alonneur [et] a la loue[n]ge de nostre seigneur iesucrist et de sa tres digne mere et de toute la courte celestielle de paradis. a este fait cestuy livre appelle le songe du vergier q[ui] parle de la disputation du clerc [et] du chevalier Et imprime a paris par Le petit laurens pour venerable homme Jehan petit libraire demourant a paris en la rue saint Jacques a lenseigne du lyon dargent.
A variant with the device of Jean Alexandre and Charles Debougne on the half-title page and the colophon ending, "...pour venerable ho[m]me Jehan alisot demourant a Angiers."
Printed in Laurens's types 2:180G, 4:110G, and 5:82G.
Dated about April 1499 in CIBN after the state of the device.
Signatures: a⁸ b-z⁶ [et]⁴: 144 leaves
Paper format: Chancery folio.
French adaptation and translation of the "Somnium viridarii" attributed to Evrart de Trémaugon. Cf. M. Schnerb-Lièvre, "Le songe du vergier édité d'après le manuscrit Royal 19 C.IV de la British Library," (Paris, 1982), I:XLIII-LXXXVIII (CIBN).
4 woodcuts.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 25.4 x 18.8 cm.
PML copy is the variant printed for Petit.
Le songe du vergier
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: Contemporary inscription, bleached (leaf a1r, visible but not legible under UV). No marginal notations in text.