Title from caption, leaf a2r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf e8r: ...Ingenui adolescentes Sebastianus [et] Raphael de Orlandis.... Piscie .iiii. nonas Aprilis .Mcccclxxxviii. Sigismondo Rodt de Bitsche operis architecto.
Printed in Rodt's type 1:86G.
Signatures: a⁸ b-d⁶ e⁸: 34 leaves, leaf a1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio and Royal quarto.
Bearer type visible, leaf e8v.
PML copy with leaf c3.4 in quarto.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.8 x 19.7 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary German rubrication, red initials and paragraph marks. Annotations: 16th-century German marginal notations, throughout first-half, underlining and NB marks.