Title from incipit, leaf a1r.
Imprint and date as given in ISTC. Colophon, in verse, reads in part: "Mia fama rinoua per sua cortesia / maestro leonardo con mirabel stampa / ilqual gia naque ne lalte Basilia / Vincentia adunque in piu virtute auampa ... Compiuto fui un mese in uer natale / mille setanta quatro.e quatrociento...". The colophon reads 'un mese in ver natale'. About its correct reading cf. BMC VII p. lxii (note).
Printed in Achates type 4:97R.
Signatures: a-m⁸ n⁶ o⁴: 106 leaves. The signatures are set with their baseline 55 mm below the descenders of the last line of text (less than 1 mm variation), at the right margin.
Paper format: Chancery folio
"Editio princeps of Uberti's Dittamundo 'un mese in uer' natale', that is, one month towards or off Christmas, which, if we are to interpret it in all strictness, means 25 November"--British Museum catalogue, VII, page lxii. The entry itself reads "*[November], 1474".
In verse (terza rima), recounting a fictional journey around the known world.
In 2 columns, 39 lines, 189 x 158 mm. First letter of each stanza set out. Capital spaces without guide-letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29 x 20.2 cm.
Incominza el libro primo Dita mundi
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.