Title from colophon (leaf [20]/7r): Reverendissimi Cardinalis sancti Sixti Expositio brevis & utilis super toto Psalterio: Rome Impressa die vicesimaprima me[n]sis Februarii: sedete Sixto quarto pontifice maximo: per providum virum magistrum Lupum gallum fr[atr]em m[a]g[istr]i Udalici galli de Bienna. Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo septuageimosexto. Finit feliciter.
Printed in types 2:103R, 1:150G, and 5:125G.
Collation: [1-3¹⁰ 4¹² 5-12¹⁰ 13¹² 14¹⁰ 15¹² 16-19¹⁰ 20⁸]: 204 leaves.
Paper format: Royal quarto
A close reprint, mostly page-for-page of the edition Rome: Ulrich Han, 1470 (Goff T-517) (BMC).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28 x 19.5 cm.
Checklist title: Expositio Psalterii
Hand decoration: Illuminated Italian (Ferrara?) initial with foliate border, slightly sloppy, with roundel with empty shield in bottom margin (leaf [1]/1r), alternating red and blue lombards with blue/red penwork. Annotations: No notations in text.