Title and imprint from ISTC.
Incipit, leaf [1]/2r: Sanctissimo ac reverendissimo patri domino Vrbano divina prouidentia pape quarto. frate[m] Thomas de Aq[ui]no ordinis frat[rum] predicatoru[m]: cum deuota reuerentia pedu[m] oscula beato[rum].
Printed in Zainer's types 2:118G and 4:95R.
Oates records a copy with the MS date 1475. Dated about 1473-74 in Goff.
Listed under Division A in PML Checklist.
Collation: [1-11¹⁰; 12-18¹⁰ 19-20⁸; 21¹⁰ 22¹⁰(4+1 (half-leaf): sedeatis) 23-25¹⁰ 26¹²; 27-40¹⁰ 41⁶; 42-51¹⁰ 52-54⁸]: 529 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [21]/1 blank. Leaf [22]/4+1 is only 1 column of text printed on part of a sheet (with horizontal chainlines). BMC collates quire [45] as ⁸+2.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.9 x 27.3 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/1 (blank).
Hand decoration: Contemporary Augsburg rubrication, red initials and yellow capital strokes/fill; primary initials illuminated with painted foliate borders (leaves [1]/2r, [21]/1r, [27]/1r, and [42]/2r). Annotations: Missing text replaced in contemporary manuscript (leaves [8]/3r, [9]/6v, and [20]/5v).