Title and imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Mentelin's type 3:92G.
The Sélestat copy (Walter 474) was bought from Mentelin in 1463.
Collation: [1-4¹² 5¹⁰; 6-10¹²; 11-14¹² 15⁸ 16⁶(1+1: Pro causa); 17-20¹² 21¹⁰ 22⁸]: 247 leaves, leaves [21]/10 and [22]/7-8 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 40.3 x 30.2 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [21]/10 blank. Leaf [22]/8 bound at front.
Checklist title: Summa theologica, II:2
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red and blue initials and headlines, red paragraph marks and capital strokes. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations throughout, in several hands, including commentary, textual corrections, and nota bene marks. Contemporary manuscript alphabetic index (leaf [22]/8, bound at front). Alpha-numeric manuscript quire signatures at bottom center and right edges. Modern red-printed colophon and printer's mark based on the Fust and Schoeffer 1457 Psalter (leaf [21]/10v.