The author of the Sermones Socci may be Conradus de Brundelsheim (cf GW) or the Cistercian Johannes Bott (or Bottis) of the convent of Marienrode (R.Brauerreis, Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benedektinerordens 65 (1953-54) p. 75-80 (CIBN)).
Title from incipit, leaf a2r: [I]Ncipiunt pulcherrimi atq[ue] vtilissimi sermones Socci de sanctis p[er] circulum anni, compositi a quoda[m] egregiissimo sacre Theologie p[ro]fessore ordi[n]is Cistersiensiu[m] [con]uentus in Marie[n]rayd p[ro]p[r]e Hildeshem.
Imprint from explicit, leaf gg10r: Expliciunt sermo[n]es Socci de sanctis cu[m] su[m]ma dilige[n]tia correcti et impressi daue[n]trie, [et]c.
Printed in Pafraet's type 1A:89G.
Dated on paper evidence (WILC). Dated 1477-79 in HPT; about 1477 in GW.
Signatures: A-B⁸; a-k ¹⁰ l¹⁰(± 2.9 and 4.7) m-r¹⁰ s-z aa-ff⁸ gg¹⁰: 292 leaves, leaf A1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.7 x 21.2 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: A1 (blank). Moisture damage/staining to some edges and gutter, most prevalent in first few quires.
Sermones de sanctis
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication at Coesfeld, alternating red and blue initials (primary initials with red penwork decoration), red C- and wedge-shaped paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining. Annotations: No significant marginal notations; a few nota bene marks and brackets, hyphens added to line endings when needed.