Title from half-title page (leaf [Alpha]1r).
Colophon (leaf [Phi]5v): ... entypōthen ... en enetiais. analōmasi men ... Nikolau Vlastou tou Krētos. ponō de kai dexiotēti, Zachariou Kalliergou tou Krētos. tōn logiōn andrōn charin, kai logōn hellēnikōn ephiemen. Etei tō apo tēs Christou gennēseōs, Chiliostō, tetrakosiostō, enenēkostō ennatō. Pyanepsiōnos, pemptē phthinontos.
Printed in Kallierges's type 1:120/121Gk.
Signatures: [Alpha]¹⁰ [Beta]-[Upsilon]⁸ [Phi]⁶: 168 leaves.
Paper format: Super-chancery folio.
Begins (leaf [Alpha]2r): Scholia eis tas Aristotelous Katēgorias, apophōnēs Simplikiou didaskalou megalou.
Title-page, headings, and woodcut headpieces (Husung 134) and initials printed in red.
Woodcut device (printed in red) of Nikolaus Vlastos (Husung 133) on title-page, woodcut device of Kalliergēs (Husung 176) on leaf [Phi]6r, woodcut diagrams in text.
Printed foliation to leaf "23" ([Gamma]3).
Register (leaf [Phi]6r).
In some copies the headpiece on leaf [Alpha]2r is printed in gold. Cf. BM 15th cent.
The Greek date is rendered incorrectly as 27 Oct. in Goff and BMC.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31.8 x 21.3 cm., trimmed. NNPM
Hypomnēma eis tas deka katēgorias tou Aristotelous
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. NNPM