Title from incipit at head of a1r.
Andreas Belfortis, Gallus, named as printer in verse colophon on u6v; place and date of printing supplied from ISTC. "The partnership formed with the bookseller Pellegrino Sillano on 30 September 1478 for printing the book in 500 copies was dissolved on 17 December: E. Peverada in Analecta Pomposiana, 19 (1994), p.183. The historical event alluded to in the colophon is therefore not the Peace of Bagnolo concluded in September 1484 (as BMC, etc.)"--ISTC.
Printed in Belfortis's type 2:116R.
Signatures: a-b¹° d⁸ dd¹° e⁸ f-h¹° i-k⁸ l¹° m-n⁸ o¹° p⁶ q¹° r-t⁸ u⁶: 172 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
"The signatures to sheet n2 inclusive are placed far down in the right-hand lower corner of the page; from sheet n3 onwards they are printed a little below the text in the ordinary way."--BM 15th cent.
Initial spaces, with guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.1 x 18.2 cm., trimmed.
Lucii Anaei Senecae Cordubensis: Hercules furens tragedia prima incipit
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.